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About Purchase 18.06.2020 Guide for buying a property Mortgage for Non-Residents Maintenance fees of property The Cost of Buying and Owning Property in...
What to look out for when buying a property? 09.04.2021 If it is a newly built home, we must take into account every detail. For example, the builder, that the amounts to be delivered are guaranteed with a bank guarantee, that the promised deadlines are met and that the materials used are the same as those listed in the specifications. Once the property has been completed, it must be ensured that all the installations, finishes and other promises...
Is it possible to buy a property without a mortgage? 13.04.2021 There is a misconception about the mortgages given by the banks and it is that in most cases we tend to think that the bank will fully finance the whole amount. This is not true, as banks rarely give 100% of the amount requested and therefore you will have to save to make the purchase. And not only for that, since when buying a house there will be more expenses that we will have to cover although...