Terrasun | Your home in Spain

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Meet our professional team

  • es
Jesus M. Sola
Jesus M. Sola
  • es
Marian Lecuona
Marian Lecuona
  • en,es
  • en,es
Natalia Sola
Natalia Sola
  • es,ru
  • es,ru
Natalia Sobol
Natalia Sobol

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Your home in Spain More than 30,000 families behind us since 1987

Grupo Terrasun will help you find your dream home and the best investment in Spain.

We are at your disposal 24/7, to help you with the selection of properties, advise you during the purchase process and, if necessary, manage your mortgage, residence permit, plan your reform, manage your rental, as well as any other service. you may need during your adaptation to your new life in Spain.

To do this, we have a great multilingual team (Spanish, English, Polish, Russian and Chinese), who will accompany you throughout the buying and selling process, and will answer all your questions in your own language.

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On our website, you will find all types of properties at the best prices such as apartments, bungalows, townhouses and villas, both new built and second-hand.

Do not hesitate to bet on us as your reference real estate agency in Spain.

Our more than 30 years of experience, professionalism and in-depth knowledge of the market will save you time and make profitable investments.

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